Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I attempted kurmasana for what I think is the first time today.  I've started the prep for it once or twice in the past, but never attempted a full effort until today.  The pose looks nothing like a tortoise in my body.  Nothing at all.  While I was in "full" (and let's use that word very lightly) expression, Shane mentioned to me that the chin should be resting on the mat.  I couldn't help but laugh.

After savasana, I started thinking back to Saturday.  And laughing some more.  I took it on the chin on Saturday.  As an unpaid volunteer, I woke up at 2am and returned home after 8pm, logging 18 hours of activity for a race that turns a large profit.  I have no regrets about spending one day of each year doing this, but again, I find it amusing irony sometimes.

I managed to keep my cool and enjoy myself, but I did notice my patience wearing thin on two occasions.  The first happened when the predictable condescending words were spoken to my by oceanside pd when I did not have volunteers placed at every driveway 2 hours before the lead cyclist was scheduled to arrive.  I don't object to the reminder, shoot, we all should be grateful for others when they keep us on task.  But the manner in which the information is conveyed does matter, and it doesn't help anyone out when someone approaches a problem with a sour attitude and finger pointing.

The second occasion was actually a series of occasions at one of the run aid stations where I was apparently the scapegoat for missing and broken equipment and supplies.  I got a few "you guys are really messing up this year" and I again laughed to myself.  Nobody cares that I'm just some schmo off the street who gives up a day of his time for free to make the race slightly better.  I suppose because I've been given and proudly wear my orange "Course Guy" t-shirt, most people think I'm on the company dime.  I'm actually fairly cashflow negative on this race after spending 5 years paying entry fees and another 7 driving my truck all over the course, not even counting what my time is worth.  Meanwhile the police are paid for their time and the run course captains are securing funding for the groups they have working their station.

I suppose that internal laugh is what makes it all seem OK.  Life can be absurd sometimes.  Taking it on the chin is just another aspect of everyday silliness.  I used to feel an urge to react, to put someone in their place when I felt they were not aware of how they were acting within the context of everything.  After further review, this is no longer a concern of mine, at least not for other adults.  Now I just sort of grin and take it on the chin, and try to enjoy the satisfaction of humility.


  1. very interesting.

    i love kurmasana more and more each time i do it. i am finally learning to get into it the right way and that really feels good. happy and painful hamstring experience.

  2. Dave, I have no idea what kurmasana is, but I can understand the value of the time you give up to volunteer for the race. I wasn't racing this year, but I've been out there in the past. At least one person appreciates your efforts.

  3. Where is the way to the Way?

  4. Today some truck driver dude yelled at me at the gas station to "pull up to the forward pump, blondie!" shaking his head in disgust like I was the dumbest thing he'd ever seen. The forward pump was broken and had an out-of-order bag over the handle. I pointed to the broken handle and then gave him the finger. Not my finest moment. I should have taken it on the chin and laughed...
